Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!

I've always desired to be that type of person that sends out Christmas cards each year with heart-warming phrases, or a cheery recap of the year's events. And each year, I kick myself for not being that person. This year, someone suggested that I just write a blog. What a novel idea! It has been quite some time since I've written (Click here if you'd like to see my previous blog). I've decided to start anew since I'm not even in the same country as when I wrote previously. And this first post, well, it's going to be my Christmas card!

Since this year really has brought about so many changes for me, I think a "recap card" is in order.

January: I spent a wonderful two weeks in Cambodia with new and old friends. I saw the wonders of Angor Wat, the tragedies of the Killing Fields, and the hope God's love brings to orphans.
February: A busy and blessed 24th and final month in Korea. What an amazing blessing those two years were! Memories, lessons, and friendships for a lifetime.
March: Readjusting to life at home! I visited my aunt and uncle in their Key West home for the first time.
April: Fifteen years of friendship blooms into romance. Stephen, the one who always "set the bar," chooses to take a risk and start a new journey with me! What an amazing blessing he is! Thank you, Lord!!! (Also, Lincoln from Korea comes for a visit)
May: Tamra comes to see me! I also get to celebrate the May birthday extravaganza at home for the first time in two years! (Five family birthdays in May)
June: Branson, Missouri is the location for the first sister trip in ten years. I also began taking on more leadership responsibilities at church.
July: Boram from Korea comes to visit, and I finally get to go to my first Huwe reunion in almost twelve years! Plus, some travels to visit friends.
August: I drove to see my aunt and uncle in Tennessee. Flea markets galore! Can't wait to go back when I have my own place!
September: Finally celebrating my birthday with friends and family in the US. And celebrating six months with the most amazing boyfriend ever!
October: I finished my first 5-k (and hopefully, not my last!) with my sister. I also started working as a substitute teacher.
November: It was a sweet time celebrating Steve's birthday and Thanksgiving together in Indiana. We also had a very successful first double date! Haha!
December: Time to reflect on this amazing blessing that is my life!

It shouldn't be legal for someone to be as blessed as I am, but I have a heavenly Father who wants to give good gifts to his children. I hope to make this blog a regular part of my schedule, but for now, I just want to focus on the gift of Christ. Heaven came down. God became man. Our souls get a second chance at eternity. For those who have accepted this gift; give back. For those still looking for it; stop and receive.

Merry Christmas! I leave you with a quote from one of my favorite authors, George MacDonald:
If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give.